An Unexpected Response
I’m sure I’ve said here before that I love my job. I work
with a small group of folks who also love their jobs. I know it’s a cliché, but
we truly do feel like family. We know each other well, share our joys and
sorrows, get together outside of “work” from time to time. A lot of this comes
from having a “boss” who treats us like valuable human beings. What a concept.
And, I usually walk, through a pretty field, in weather that
is never truly cold or terribly hot, to a store that smells like incense and
candles and is full of books. Doesn’t get much better than that.
Young people come in, mostly looking for their summer jobs.
I will say here that I truly appreciate the ones who bother to put clothes on
before they walk through the door. Ack!
My age is showing.
Our response to all of these inquiries is, “One of us will
have to die first.”
“One of us will have to die first.” Pretty funny, we think.
Maybe a bit cruel. And…possibly actually true!